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     The worldwide ignorance of science and the resulting arrogance of the (indefensible 'over-the-top') religious mindset (still polluting our planet) will be the subject matter of this page. There are a lot of backward countries scattered about the world that (for a long time to come) will continue to have populations that reek havoc and do distructive things in the name of there pampered delusions - their version/s of god. That is just the way it is - this pathetic ignorance, violence, and oppression, reigns throughout much of the world.

     It is one thing that scientific ignorance and religous arrogance (along with oppression and distructive conduct) exists in other countries - but I submit to everyone 'idiot and intelectual alike', why is it that so much of this same 'shit' is tolerated 'still' within the borders of the United States? 

     Don't misunderstand what I ask. A person's/citizen's right to believe 'what they will' is 'the' cornerstone of constitutional freedom/s of the United States of America - just as is the right of every citizen of the United States of America to be 'free from' all religions. More to the point, live your life to whatever rules you choose vis-a-vis your religion and your god - but don't you dare 'impose' your personal choice 'rules' on others 'not' of your self-imposed thinking. 

     This religous arrogance is forever displayed in exact direct proportion (and fervor) to it's ignorance enabled existance of purposeful blindness to truth. The more religious people are, the more ignorant they are about SCIENCE. Scientific knowledge is that which leads all people of religious tendency and notions to the truth of the natural world - all people 'entrapped' by and/or 'strong armed' into religious orientation are lead into the light by exposure to the 'reality' that knowledge in SCIENCE provides. 

     To avoid thus escape 'Scientific Truth' in order to remain resolute in one's dogmatic beliefs (enabled only by one's own self-imposed ignorance) is inexcusable. How dare those profoundly unexposed to 'natural world' knowledge impose their views of ignorance on others possessed of 'factual' knowledge - and do so with the arrogant attitude that they 'just know', this being the 'godly attitude' of their ignorance.

     How amazingly arrogant are they that denounce the basics of scientific findings - the geology of the age and the processes of the earth, the evolution of the earth and all life on earth, and, the obvious evolution of all things within the universe - to include the universe. And, as they denounce the truths of SCIENCE, they offer the nonsense of religious 'opinion' written thousands of years ago (by people that were 'more than' profoundly ignorant) as their proof - this is what those of religious choice (of self-imposed ignorance) continuously 'bellow out' to us as their 'proof' that 'somehow' trumps all the scientific knowledge that has been gained over 'all the time that has passed' (since the good old days of Moses) to this very day. How pathetic and arrogant those of religious 'demands' truly are.

     And, with the reality that (in a world that) 'no one' can be trusted to tell the truth to others (believe thy neighbor 'without verifying' at your own risk), religious writings (from thousands of years ago) are granted the 'blind' free pass of legitimacy by those of religious failing - and this is only because said writtings are further granted the 'even blinder' free pass of having alegedly been written under the spell of the delusional god of the given writter's day (all said writers also being profoundly ignorant of disasterous 'natural world' processes such as hurricanes, earthquakes, volcano erruptions etc.). 

     This is 'not to mention' that these people of profound ignorance wrote much of their 'stuff' 30, 50, 100 years (or more) after the events, and, thousands of 'changes' in the verbal stories later. Also, not to mention that, all the involved 'finally' written-down religious stories have been 'conveniently' (though incorrectly) CHANGED many times more over the centuries as translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin and then again to English/French/German etc. The Koran of the Islam religion was the 'later' established religion (only 1400 years ago) that was directly written in Arabic but was 'keyed' to much of the other religion's established 'dogma' (the people and events of the other established religions) prior to its' implimentation.
     Worldwide, not only are religious people 'null and void' of all things SCIENCE, they are profoundly ignorant about 'World History' and the 'Factual History' of their very-own religions, the inconvenient 'literally pitiful' truth of 'how' their very-own religions 'evolved'. And, for those that hold on to the 'false axiom' that religion is the only avenue by which people can attain morality - you are all 'so' full of shit. Religion, for those that are educated in World History, is the scurge (the cancer) of mankind. Those of religious orientation always 'bellow' about the 'good works' that flow from religion, while never acknowledging the much greater distructiveness of its' history - potent in its' distruction to this very day. 

     Where SCIENCE is 'king' (self-correcting over time through the infusion of expanding knowledge), Religion is nothing more than the cronicled historic display of man's 'past ignorance and parallel distructive nature'.